Make America Land of the Free
Sunday, August 14, 2022 6:10 PM
Enough Already!
I don't care what you ate for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or that you're back in the gym, if you lack the common sense to see, feel, hear, touch or taste the destruction of democracy from passivity and disengagement toward evil crashing in the door of freedom, equality, and justice.
It ain't about YOU, "it's about US." MAGA is not freedom; it’s totalitarianism. So pump your breaks on all this whining about how politics is getting in the way of your fun and frolic. Or that you are being replaced, or past generations are not feeling you. You want freedom, then grow the F- - - Up! Head-in-the-sand is a train ride to a concentration camp. Your freedom to do as you please without any responsibility to anyone else is not freedom. It's self-superiority, class or generational bias. It is selfish disregard to the labor of sacrifice made by your forebears by which you now enjoy its fruit. A fruit you take for granted that could be gone in a blink of an eye, while you ponder "a life interrupted."
I'm 75. I've survived prejudice, segregation, second-class citizenship, and combat in Vietnam. "Welcome to the real world, Neo…” The MAGA machines are coming. I and my ilk have earned a vacation. But still we push on. Now earn yours. Make America Land of the Free.