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Saturday, March 29, 2014 9:39 PM

Compassion to Mark David of for the grave loss of his mom to cancer. (I lost a good friend who went through all of the then latest and experimental allopathic and natural treatments to no avail.) I get the infuriation and rage driving him against the medical industry and government, and by extension President Obama and the previous President Bush. I hope he is truly helping people manage and improve their health and wellness and find greater joy in life. But I'm not impressed by anarchists of any moral or political persuasion, whether right-leaning or left-leaning or somewhere in-between, with their biased interpretations of the U.S. Constitution, which is not cast in stone, but a living document whose basic language serves as a blueprint for implementing the ideals for which this nation was founded. It like Americans is a work in progress. All this calculated self-serving devotion to the Constitution, twisting its language as a basis of moral authority to justify the dismissal of the rights of others who we don't like is sickening. It is neither moral or right. It is simply hateful and selfish. 

All this anarchistic saber rattling is simply the discontent of those who want no government, no restraints over their personal behavior, and no obligation to the natural social contract that accompanies citizenship. These self-acclaimed revolutionaries are in fact anarchists-with-an-attitude. And whether they are adorned in high-class attire or motorcycle garb, they are the Wild One(s), the Sons of Anarchy [and Daughters] parading around, rooster crowing, hen cackling their opposition to all of society, to all of government that falls short of their perfect world. One in which they get to do what they want to do when they want to do it, and nobody has anything to say about it. “Revolutionaries?” Hardly. “Motorcycle gangsters” taking and plundering democracy in the name of freedom (their’s only).