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Feeling the Bern?

Saturday, January 30, 2016 11:38 AM

NOTE: "As a result of the 2018 mid-term elections, Congress in 2019 wll have at least 123 women in the House and Senate, including two Muslim-American women, two Native American women and two 29-year-olds. Tem more women could still win in midterm races that remain too close to call.” — The Converstions <>

It’s been a long grind, since I posted the following, advocating the Feminine Principle in the run up to the 2016 presidential election. I guess it took the scourge of Trump democracy destruction for the American electorate to wean themselves sufficiently from the patriarchy and apply hindsight to the causitive ramifications of rejecting Hillary Clinton: 


I’m feeling the feminine. I’m feeling the sacred, the cry for balance, the PANG of longing for THE GREAT mystery returning TO the AFFAIRS OF HUMANKIND.

“YES, WE CAN” could HAVE been, could have launched an american golden age of equality and egalitarian consciousness. But the opportunity was violently thrown away by right wing recalcitrance to the quickening of spiritual forces, and left wing complacency.

The young people who advanced the spirit of the Obama Revolution, along with the old guard of baby boomers who fueled O’s victory march, stayed home during the midterms —complacent or disillusioned. And you know the rest. Now the old guard of Moonbeam and Sunshine this and that are feeling the BERN. A new guard of revolutionaries fired up and red-to-go.

Once again, the forty-and-older lead from behind, their tie-dye flags waving vigorously in the winds of change. Taking their cues from the 20 – 35 crowd, these old Sexagenarians and Septuagenarians are at it once again, all ablaze to elect the new and true socialist this time. Robert Reich is feeling the BERN, and that’s good enough. The young political operatives of Moveon are moving on toward the new NEW AGE of American politics. But there’s nothing new in this latest resurgence of left-progressive activism.

 As a matter of personal impression, I have marveled and continue to marvel at Barack Obama’s humanity and non-ideologue character, which defines his social consciousness and governing style. The middle path, whether one is left-progressive or right-conservative bent, is the integrated, wholistic approach to seeing clearly and responding wisely to situations and events for the good of the whole. Simply put, it is the essence of unprejudiced perception and unbiased deduction. 

“I feel the Bern” and his democratic socialist point of view and agenda. I get it. But Bern is an ideologue. Ideologues are uncompromising by nature. I’ve been around them as fellow politicos. I’ve observed them as government officials, as activists and operatives, and as voters. It matters not the area of their commitment, dedication or outer humility, their inflexibility (seen by the naive as a strength) seriously limits their ability to see the large picture when it opposes their world view of black and white. Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, crusaders of grand proportion are examples of what I’m talking about. I omitted consensus building as a cardinal principle of leadership, especially in Native American self-governance. In today’s U.S. Congress, the right wingers consider consensus an unnecessary obstacle to corporate toadyism for which they stand. 

Consensus—finding common ground— is not natural to patriarchy. Patriarchy makes God in its likeness, not the other way around. Today’s world is a left wing–right wing patriarchy: oppositionist rivals without a sense of common ground, other than an intellectual one at best. Consider: Carnivore vs. vegan. Farmer vs. rancher. Naturalist vs. wise-use advocate. Nature lover vs. developer. Darwanist vs. religionist. On each side of these dichotomies is the immovable object vs. the irresistible force.  

Hillary Clinton is the literal embodiment of the feminine in our present political system that could be president. Her imperfections are those of all of us. Her reversals of opinion are those of all of us. I worry more about those that cannot, will not change with the reality that presents itself. While that might be commitment, it is not for the good of the whole. Can I say Flint, Michigan.

Bernie Sanders is not a messiah (thankfully). He will be unable to live up to the exaggerated expectations of many, because of the nature of government and governing, and the shadow of evil now enveloping the world. He will live up to what is possible in today’s reality. Bernie is a principled man with a vision, and I respect that. Nevertheless, he will not, cannot save us from ourselves.

See, I'm not confused about what I see, as opposed to what some believe. I see an ideologue who has caught fire from the idealistic surging of newly politically involved 21-35 yr. olds, whose attention span is about a New York second. Their black and white world view is sophomoric and narrow. They, along with the late-vulcanized tie-dye generation of disaffected, believe that razing the old edifice of government in a "bloodless" revolution is possible, simply by installing a white guy revolutionary who "takes no prisoners." He, by the strength of his conviction, will bring the stalled New Age into being. With Obama they wanted compromise, now with Bernie, they want intransigence. Talk about a split personality.

Meanwhile, they forget about the glass ceiling and a woman president. What could possibly be advanced by the feminine in the Oval Office, considering how well my testosterone brothers of different stripes have done so far? At the end of the day, we have the latest version of the Me Generation, now conveniently led from behind by the Flower Children of old, since Michael Moore, Robert Reich and Susan Sarandon have thrown their hats in the ring for Bernie. They will bring forth a new America by virtue of their egalitarian vision — as they cry for the keys to the BMW.

But it is time for the feminine. Ennit, Native brothers and sisters and simpatico compeers of all races and ethnicity? I feel it in my bones.Time to reprise the ancient wisdom. The FEMININE must return. The patriarchy has pushed us to the point of bifurcation (where a living organism or system must evolve or retrograde) and the end of existence. Regardless of the personality of the masculine personification, only the reintroduction of the feminine can rebalance the energy toward the sacred and rescue us from ourselves.


Carl HItchens