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A Time for Elders

Saturday, May 7, 2016 6:25 PM

When you lead from behind you don't lead; you run to catch up. "Leaders" on the left donned their thespian get up and spoke their lines for dramatic effect of criminal intent on the part of antagonist Hillary Clinton as "evil personified," unleashing a juggernaut of non-nuanced acrimony toward her. Yoking her with the onus of corrupt Wall Street baroness, for which sitting this one out, if Bernie does not get the nomination, is as an act of impeccable principle. Good luck with that and the revolution that couldn't. Now leading from behind should be a kick in the behind. Time to get your heads and asses wired together, young radicals. This is the big leagues, and the stakes go beyond summer vacation.

At the end of the day, Democrats run hot and cold, get consumed by their hyperbole on perfection for which they reject reality of the present for improbability, and then whine and pout if improbability can't match reality. Idealism is an absolute necessity for advancing a greater society, but so is discernment and pragmatism. Obama's 2008 election was in the stratosphere of improbability, but it happened. Still, Dems couldn't get off the couch to vote afterwards and gave away both Houses, and even now, with the so-called Bernie revolution, primary voting is down from the past. WTF! 

Dems apparently don't need to be disillusioned, just distracted with the interest of the moment. Neither do they seem capable of distinguishing the elder–new generation dynamic, where-in the elders actually infuse their charges with practical wisdom as an underlying principle of their original insights. The so-called "game changer" of Robert Reich's endorsement of Sanders, e.g., had none of this. Hill represents the old and Bernie represents the new. (Oh, yeah, that really prepared them for the long haul, and taught them about the global economy in which we all play and perpetuate.) Ben Jealous' over-simplified synopsis of the 1994 Crime Bill, with its ultimate disproportioned suffering to African American males, laid at the feet of Hillary Clinton as pernicious premeditation. (Oh, for sure, that really prepared them for truth based on direct fact, rather than the usual triangulation.) Call me cynical if you like. I call me eyes wide open.