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Year of the Woman and Criminal President

Tuesday, January 29, 2019 9:32 AM

It’s so odd to me this chorus of returning male down-with-the-old guard, Clinton-equals-Trump, take-no-prisoners revolutionaries calling for Biden to save us from the white nationalist patriarchal madness sullying the literal “White House” now. Fellow male entities hawking Joe (and I like Joe as a smart, decent, sane guy) may I remind you of where we are now in time, and how we got in this pickle of rogue president in the first place.  

My blog repost of January 5th:

annus mirabilis ann-us-muh-RAH-buh-lus noun : a remarkable or notable year … 

2019 opened in U.S. politics as a monumental shift in power toward feminine representation. Beyond politics, however, is the simultaneous rise of feminine power in American culture. The race horses are out of the gate and they’re not backing up to be trammeled by officiating rules for an orderly clean start. Horses are made to run and women are made to lead, just like their male counterparts. It’s the bell lap in the unshackling of women from the confining parameters of old expectations and assumptions. It is the breaking free of antiquated ideas shrinking down female dreams to patriarchal expectations. It is the new day rising from the ashes of the old order. And while the storm surge of the past “good old days” of male rule continues to pound the shores of transformation, an undeniable sea change is in the air. Women have set sail on a voyage of irresistible force meeting the immovable object of patriarchy, and are sweeping it to the side, despite its fierce resistance. Rather than changing the past, women are replacing it; rather than rebinding the old worn book, women are rewriting it. 

Proof of “game on!” didn’t begin with Nancy Pelosi’s return as Speaker of the House of Representatives (116th Congress), nor with the 36 new congresswomen added into a new House total of 102. The surge of women owning and exercising power as their inherent right began prior to the now consensually recognized woman revolt against the patriarchy. The opening volley by feminine warriors, which has brought needed racial and gender diversity to our governing apparatus, far antedated the midterm elections. This tilt toward female empowerment started with women organizing locally around issues that mattered to them, in the wake of Trump’s disastrous election. Affordable healthcare and the right to choose, regulations on corporate greed and banking recklessness, ending the free-for-all of gun carnage, justice and government for all fueling their activism. 

Yes, Trump’s “nasty woman” problem began way before his “collusion" woes brought us to where we are, with his national, nighttime Oval Office address on the “wall,” January 8th. The wall that keeps him up at night is not between Mexico and the U.S., but between him and his guilt. A guilt evincing in the last few days to probable Russian espionage asset: ( 

It’s a fence too high for him and his sniveling cronies, enablers and sycophants to climb. More shall be revealed and more criminals outed. 

— Carl
